Install VirtualBox Guest Addition

  1. Before install guest addition from CD, do the following

    sudo apt-get install dkms build-essential linux-headers-generic linux-headers-$(uname -r)

    For missing linux kernel headers or other common problems, refer to this.

    use uname -r or uname -a to look up the kernel version, use dpkg --get-selections | grep linux to check the installed linux kernels.

  2. If you click the sharefolder item in the menubar and get the follwing error: ‘The VirtualBox Guest Additions do not seem to be available on this virtual machine, and shared folders cannot be used without them’, the following commands may be helpful.

    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-x11